AI customer service & product recommendations for consumer electronics

When buying electronics online, things can get complex pretty quickly. Aside from automating answers to common support queries, Engaige gives your customers 24/7/365 personalised product recommendations that convert.

Recommending products can be challenging

Customers increasingly expect personalised service and support. AI product recommendations can solve this.

Lack of expertise leads to lots of support tickets

Customers aren’t always the biggest technical experts. This leads to more support tickets and longer wait times.

Technical issues are hard to resolve quickly

Diverse ranges of products with complex specs lead to difficult inquiries. And mean that support reps need more training.

Electronics come with lots of post-purchase questions

Complex consumer electronics products are often misused or misunderstood. This leads to more post-purchase inquiries.

24/7 support

Support customers 24/7 even when your reps are off

Normally, your support teams aren’t available around the clock. But your customers expect support around the clock. Engaige is available for support 24/7/365, meaning your customers get a much better support experience.


Sell more with personalised recommendations

More often than not, support questions regarding consumer electronics come from uninformed customers who bought the wrong product. Make sure they get personal recommendations for the products they actually need.

Get started with our customer service automation software for electronics businesses