AI customer service automation for health & lifestyle brands

Fashion, cosmetics, supplements, personal care. Standing out in saturated industries is key to increasing customer loyalty and retention. You do this by offering highly-tailored customer experiences at scale.

Standing out in saturated markets is hard

How do you increase customer loyalty with so many brands to choose from?Exceptional CX is one way to stand out.

Health & lifestyle brands need to hyper-personalise

Customers in these industries expect highly-tailored products and experiences. Hard to manage at scale. But not with AI.

Customers want to use the channels they prefer

Ensuring consistent communication across email, chat and WhatsApp is challenging for human agents. Not for AI.

Products in these industries tend to be complex

Products like supplements can be quite complex. Engaige helps guide customers through complex product selection.


Guide customers through complex product selection

Some support questions need to be resolved. Some support questions need to turn into a product recommendation. Engaige’s AI customer service automation knows exactly which tickets require which approach.

Prime CX

Turn customers into loyal brand fans with prime CX

We all know it’s about 5 times more expensive to acquire a new customer than it is to retain an existing one. With AI customer service automation, you upgrade your customer experience, instantly, and lose fewer clients.

Get started with our customer service automation software for health & lifestyle busineses