Offer 24/7 customer service on all channels

You no longer need to worry about the limited opening times of that one single support channel. Whether it’s through chat, email or WhatsApp, automate up to 80% of your recurring, menial support tasks. 24/7/365.

Limited channels and opening times mean limited support

If you want to offer the best customer experience possible, your support channels should be available 24/7, year round. Automate your customer service with AI and give people the support experience they deserve.

Offer 24/7 support

Offer 24/7 customer service on all channels—these include chat, email, and socials.

Automate 80% of recurring tasks

Engaige will allow you to automate up to 80% of your recurring support tasks.

No more Monday inbox overload

AI support ensures weekend inquiries are handled instantly, so you don’t return to a full inbox on Monday.

Manage peak times easily

AI support scales to let you handle high volumes during peak events, ensuring smooth operations throughout.

Connect to your current customer service tools

Engaige works well with all your favourite customer support software. Whether that’s your CRM or your payment provider.

Upload help centre content and product info

Feed your AI customer support with help centre content, product info, CRM data, or any other relevant sources.

Enable behavioural guardrails for security

Prevent specific AI behaviour or filter out unwanted user behaviour with guardrails and other security features.

Works on any channel like chat or email

Engaige goes far beyond a simple ‘chatbot’. Use to tackle all channels, including the most intricate one: email.

Here’s how we help you set up 24/7 customer service on all channels

When you decide to work with Engaige, you get a step by step approach to implementation, guided by our CX experts.

Step 1

Choose the channels you would like to automate like email, chat, or social

Step 2

Define the topics you would like to automate and which topics should be left to a human agent

Step 3

Define your policies, upload your knowledge base and connect with your backoffice systems to completely resolve tickets

Step 4

Launch your AI and offer 24/7 support on all channels

Step 5

Analyse the performance of your AI agent and continuously improve, getting you to up to 80% automation


Before you reach out to ask us about how to offer 24/7 customer service on all channels, make sure to read the most frequently asked questions below.

Still have a question? Make sure to reach out to our team of CX and AI customer service automation experts. We’re here to help.

How do I control which tickets are picked up by the AI on email?

With Engaige, you have complete control over which emails are handled by AI. You can define your own topics to route emails, ensuring that only the inquiries you choose are managed by Engaige, while more complex or sensitive conversations are passed directly to your human team. This allows you to maintain tight control over your customer interactions, ensuring Engaige assists only where it’s most effective, and your team focuses on the conversations that need human involvement.

Is Engaige GDPR-compliant?

Absolutely. At Engaige, we take GDPR compliance very seriously. Protecting customer data and privacy is a top priority. We ensure that personal data is handled with care and in full compliance with GDPR regulations, offering features like data deletion and PII scrubbing to give businesses confidence that sensitive information is safeguarded and managed responsibly.

What is AI native customer support?

We use the reasoning capabilities of state of the art large language models to reason about what to do, given the processes, information, and actions it has available. This creates human-like experiences and enables you to handle a wide range of questions without programming them.

Offer 24/7 customer service on all channels today